Dear Rav Kornfeld,
The gemara states that the proper shiur for eating bread is the amount that is chayav in challah. Ho-ocheil k'midah zu harei zeh bari umvorach. Isn't this an enormous volume of bread in comparison with the shiurim given earlier in the same sugya?
Marc Diamond
Good question. It seems that "Ha'ochel k'Midah Zu" is not referring to that quantity of bread , but to a meal of that size (that is, a meal with bread and other foods that together equal the Shi'ur that is Chayav in Chalah). Indeed, the verse cited is referring to the amount of food (which happened to be Man) that each person ate in a meal (actually, in one day's worth of meals -- or two meals) -- an "Omer la'Gulgoles."
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. All the best.