The Gemara asks, if you don't learn like Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya (davar hakores beino levenah-that the get has to be a complete severing of their relationship) what do you do with the posuk, and the Gemara answers, for a tenai that outlasts the get such as not drinking wine forever. But isn't that itself a pesul of not being a complete kerisus?
The answer is two-faceted. If the above case is speaking about Chutz, then the difference is that it only lasts as long as the husband lives whereas the not drinking wine lasts the woman's whole life, even if her ex-husband dies. If the above case is "Al Menas," in which case it extends past the life of the ex-husband, then the difference lies in the fact that the condition ends with the death of the Ploni in
D. Zupnik