The non-cohen eats plums and disgorges them. Rashi says that swallowing without chewing is also considered a normal manner of eating, (Derech Achila). Does one say a "Beracha Acharona" after such "Eating?" If so, would that not finalise in every possible way the use of those plums?
There is a discussion in the Poskim whether someone who disgorges his food makes an after Berachah. Is the crucial thing "Hana'as Garon" (the pallate enjoys the food) or "Hana'as Mayav" (the stomach enjoys the food)? (see CHULIN 103b where there is a similar dispute between R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish concerning what is the crucial factor to make someone culpable for eating forbidden foods).
Most Poskim seem to maintain that one does not make a Berachah in such a case (see PISKEI TESHUVOS by R. Simcha Rabinovitz Shlita part 2 OC 184 p.590 #8). In addition, since MISHNAH BERACHOS 51b states that if the food has already been digested in the stomach one can no longer make a Berachah Acharonah, it seems that if one vomited it, one certainly derives less benefit from it than in the latter case, which suggests that one does not make a Berachah Acharonah on disgorged food (see SHA'AREI TESHUVAH OC 208:1).
However, there is an important distinction between the Dinim of eating Terumah and betweeen the Dinim of Berachos. The reason one pays 1 and a fifth for Terumah is because one ate it (as the Torah says - Vayikra 22:14 - "when a man shall eat holy Terumah") even if one did not enjoy it. In contrast, the after Berachah is said because one enjoyed the food. Therefore since the actual eating of the Terumah was done in a normal way, one pays Keren and Chomesh even though afterwards it was disgorged and one says no Berachah Acharonah.
In contrast, the consumption of the second person is not considered eating at all because the plums were unfit for human consumption even before he started eating them.