More Discussions for this daf
1. Knowing the intention of the one making the Neder 2. R. Shimon's other solution 3. Bodkin Oso
4. בודקין אותו

Marc Chipkin asked:

On Daf 8b, R' Shimon's opinion about a stack which, if one said 'I am a Nazir on condition that this stack is at least 100 Kor'; and the stack was lost or stolen before he was able to measure it, he is forbidden (all Isurei Nezirus), for one must be stringent about Safek Nezirus; but then on 13a R' Shimon suggests when his wife is not sure if her baby was viable or not, the husband should make a stipulation and observe 2 periods of Nezirut to cover both eventualities. Surely R' Shimon could have suggested a similar answer for the person with the stack- that the person could make a stipulation that if the stack was 100 kor, he was a nazir according to his original vow, and then his current nezirut is a nedava- instead of subjecting the person on daf 8a to a lifetime of uncertainty?

Marc Chipkin, Johannesburg, South Africa

The Kollel replies:

Dear Marc,

Hello there and thanks for your question. I'm really sorry for the late response.

According to Tosfos DH Sheyeih, your suggestion is exactly what Rebbi Shimon requires in the case of the stack.

All the best.

Y. Landy