More Discussions for this daf
1. Simchah on Yom Tov 2. Shalmei Chagigah or Shalmei Simchah 3. "shiur achila rishona"
4. Korban Chagigah 5. Chagigah Brought By Two 6. Being Mesameach the Levi, the Ger, the Yosom and the Almanah
7. ר' יוחנן חולק על חזקיה


Both Amoraim say several animals can be used for the chagigah when there are many people eating,but if he has to bring more then 1 animal for the Chagigah wouldn't that be called a Shalmei Simchah since that is the korban for more meat when there is not enough?

mICHAEL gRELLA, Staten Island , N.Y.

The Kollel replies:

Good question. The Chiyuv of Shalmei Simchah is not clear. There are those who propose that the only time one has a Chiyuv of Shalmei Simchah is when they have no other Kodesh to eat. Since one may bring as many Korbanos as he wants for Chagigah, if he then has Basar Kodesh he will not have a Chiyuv of Shalmei Simchah.

D. Zupnik