By the gemarah of a zav who sees 2 emissions, the gemarah says that zav who has 2 emissions is tameh and a zav who sees 3 emmisions is tameh and brings a korbon. The gemarah then asks maybe the pasuk was just teaching you that 2 emmisions is tameh with no korbon and 3 emmisions is korbon but not tameh.
My questions is is how can the gemarah have a hava aminah that either a zav who has 2 emissions or 3 emmisions isn't tameh, the whole thing of R' Sima'i is that "maneh hakasuv shtayim V'KARU TAMEH etc."- meaning the pasuk calls both a 2 emisions and a 3 emissions zav tameh?
Yosef Trak, Brooklyn, NY
Rashi (DH v'Lo l'Tum'ah) answers your question when he writes that according to the Havah Amina of the Gemara that the Zav who has 3 emissions is not Tamei, this does not mean that he is not Tamei at all, but rather that he does not possess the severe Tum'ah of a Zav but only the lighter Tum'ah of a Ba'al Keri. It is obvious, however, as you point out, that the Zav with 3 emissions does possess some Tum'ah because the verse calls him "Tamei."
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom