Gem. says that whoever joyfully bears the suffering that befalls him brings deliverance to the world. I can understand how it is something to strive for to rejoice in yissurim, but why is it effective to bring deliverance (yeshua) to the world, and what type of yeshua--individual, communal, etc. What is the connection? Thank you (if you post this please do so anonymously)
Yosef Moses, Brooklyn,ny
The Ben Yehoyada explains that a person who has a proper Torah outlook will realize that the suffering which Hash-m gives to people is only a temporary pain, in order so that he will have a salvation from Gehinom and other punishments. If someone truly internalizes this, he is essentially always "Metzapeh l'Yeshu'ah" -- "looking for (Hash-m's) salvation" - believing that Hash-m will one day give him a true redemption. This attitude therefore hastens the true redemption for everyone, as included in redemption is the final redemption of Bnei Yisrael (see Ben Yehoyada at length). Though we have not yet seen the Geulah come due to such suffering, the Gemara in Berachos (17b) records that Rebbi Chanina Ben Dosa only had one Kav of carob the entire week, and in his merit the entire world was sustained. This clearly shows that the merit of such suffering can bring tremendous deliverance (this corresponds to a real salvation, especially when one bears in mind that Parnasah is as difficult as Kriyas Yam Suf).
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose