A wall higher than 10 tfachim is considered difficult to access , but this height is slightly above a meter which is about 2 amos. Since a person is about 3 amos plus, this seems to be an ideal height. The many new pictures usually show a wall higher. Why was this chosen as the standard of a mechitza?
Shalom u'bracha, Yaakov Ulano
The main reason that a ten Tefach wall separates between two domains is because it is clear that a wall of ten Tefachim is considered a Mechitzah according to Torah law (either via a teaching from the Aron or a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai, see Sukah 4b-5b). By nature, a Mechitzah separates between two places.
In another response on the Discussion List on this Daf, I addressed how we relate to the ten Tefach wall in the various Gemaros of the most recent few Daf regarding Eruv Chatzeiros. (This can be viewed at http://www.mail-archive.com/daf-discuss@shemayisrael.co.il/msg00673.html
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose
I can formulate my question more clearly as follows. The Gemara not only discusses the "difficulty" of using a platform ten Tefachim tall, it also refers to it as requiring Zerikah, which is not easy to understand at this height.
I came across a comment answering this question with the following logic. If someone were to be carrying a very heavy load that somewhat hangs down, it would be difficult for him to rest it on a surface above 10 Tefachim. This is the "Binyan Av" for all the other laws relating to that height. (I apologize for not being able to give you the exact source.)
b'kavod, Yaakov Ulano
This is an interesting idea. However, more commonly the ten-tefachim rule is used with regard to Halachos pertainig to barriers (Mechitzos) and not just to difficult spots to rest burdens on.
Y. Montrose
I can formulate my question more clearly as follows. The Gemara not only discusses the "difficulty" of using a platform ten Tefachim tall, it also refers to it as requiring Zerikah, which is not easy to understand at this height.
I came across a comment answering this question with the following logic. If someone were to be carrying a very heavy load that somewhat hangs down, it would be difficult for him to rest it on a surface above 10 Tefachim. This is the "Binyan Av" for all the other laws relating to that height. (I apologize for not being able to give you the exact source.)
b'kavod, Yaakov Ulano