Rashi 4th wide line. Rashi says 'arayos yochichu' they are kosher to all Jews besides for krovim. But the pircha that we are trying to be mochiach from mamzer, is, that mamzer is not rouy lekohol leolom. I.e. the issur is forever, so the teretz from arayos should be: arayos is only ossur for 3 generations, (even for krovim). ?
Avrumi Hersh, London england
Let's review the Shakla v'Tarya:
We see that Arayos are only three generations, and even so men and women are Asur, so that is a Pircha, since we see that the fact that the prohibition is limited is not a reason for a Kula that women should not be included.
The Gemara suggests: but Arayos have a different Chumra, that the punishment is strict, so maybe that is why women are included even though Arayos is time limited.
The Gemara responds: but we see that for Mamzer, which is not time limited, women are included in the Isur, even though there is no death penalty.
To this the Gemara suggests that although Mamzer does not have the Chumra of the punishment, it has a different Chumra that Edomi and Mitzri do not have, since a Mamzer is never allowed to marry into Klal Yisrael, so that is why Mamzer has another Chumra of women included.
Now comes your point:
The Gemara now says that Arayos and Mamzer can teach one to each other, that the Chumra which each one has is not the reason for the Chumra of including women in the Isur.
Mamzer proves that the Chumra of Kares is not the reason for the Chumra of women, since Mamzer has no Kares, and Arayos proves that the Chumra we found by Mamzer that he cannot marry into Klal Yisrael is not the reason for the Chumra of women, since Arayos are Mutar to all the rest of Klal Yisrael.
Rashi is explaining how we see from Arayos that the Chumra found by Mamzer is irrelevant, since Arayos include women even though Arayos are Mutar to Klal Yisrael.
Kol Tuv,
Aharon Steiner