More Discussions for this daf
1. Bari v'Shema and Raban Gamliel 2. Did Divrei Rabbi Meir get lost 3. Rebbi Yehudah

Rafi Magid asked:

1. as i remember in the end of chapter 1 and the begining in chapter 2 we
didn't reject r"g opinion that the cases include "bari veshema" (we just
added migo or chazakah)/

2. since that - why didn't the sugia about the place and the time reffering
this issue at all?

The Kollel replies:

Rashi throughout the Sugya explains that all the possibilities offered to explain the Mishna revolve around either R' Yehoshua or Raban Gamliel, since this is indeed a case of Bari v'Shema. The father (i.e. the wife's side) know exactly when the Mum appeared on her, while the husband cannot know when the Mum appeared.