I wanted to ask a question based on the Gemara in Rosh Hashana 32b which states that Sarah is considered Rabim because many people came out from her (rabim ka atu mina). Why is Yaakov Avinu different in R Yishmael's derasha on yoma 74b, that is considered inuy deyachid?
Joseph Kayeri, Sao paulo, brazil
The Gemara in Yoma is not discussing Yaakov Avinu at all but rather trying to determine what Inuy means. If Inuy relates to Tashmish it would refer to Rachel and Leah (and not to Yaakov) since they deserve to have their Onah. However the Gemara rejects this because it is very individualistic- one person may suffer from lack of Tashmish and another person prefers it when they are looking to sanctify themselves. Therefore the Gemara suggests Inuy Mitzrayim which referred to Tashmish but was for everyone. The Gemara rejects this since as we said previously it is still individual and depends on the person's sexual needs, whereas food is a basic requirement for every person and therefore Inuy on Yom Kippur which is generic refers to food (Based on Malbim Parshas Acharei Mos)
The Gemara in Rosh Hashana is relating to the actual Pekidah of Sarah, which effectively is the moment the entire nation was created since we all came from Sarah. Therefore this is not a moment relating to an individual but rather a nation. This is clear from the Brachah Avraham received: And I will make you a great nation- meaning that Yitzchak is considered to make Avraham into a nation as he is considered like a nation in his own right.
The word Pakad is also used as a password for national redemption. The Midrash (Tanchuma Shmos 24, Pirkei Rabbi Eliezer 48) says that this password was passed down from Avraham to Yitzchak, Yaakov, Yosef and Am Yisrael as a sign of their redemption, and therefore Moshe mentions Avraham when he is talking about the Pekidah.
Yoel Domb