More Discussions for this daf
1. Let him die innocent... 2. Under what conditions is killing a thief justified? 3. Kill or Be Killed
4. "Ba ba'Machteret" who gets trapped under rubble on Shabbos 5. Removing debris on Shabbos 6. The tunnelling burglar vs. the pursuer
7. Rodef 8. Why Rav Chanina bar Shila
1. Pat asks:


If the thief leaves the house, may the homeowner pursue outside to kill or does that make the homeowner a Rodef? This occurred to me because of current discussions in the US about "stand your ground" laws.

Pat, Greenbelt MD USA

2. The Kollel replies:

The Rambam (Hilchos Geneivah 9:11) rules that whether the thief successfully stole or did not even steal, if he is leaving (i.e. in the process of running away) the homeowner is not allowed to kill him.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose