Dear Rabbi,
On the daf when we discuss the concept Migo, we quote the Beraisa which states that a wall for sukkah is the same as Shabbos, on the condition that there is not more of a gap than 3 tefachim between the poles. Does this mean that, the principe of lavud will apply to both sukkah and Shabbos (but only on the Shabbos of sukkah)?
If this is the case, why doesn't the gomora simply say that a wall for Shabbos and sukkah are the same 'because' we can apply lavud to both?
Ben Horne, London, England
1) It means that the principle of Lavud applies both to Sukah and Shabbos all week long on Sukos, not only on the Shabbos during Sukos. When the first part of the Beraisa states that a wall for Sukah is the same as for Shabbos, this equation does not require a Migo to make it work. This is precisely what the Beraisa means; the principle of Lavud applies to both. However, the Beraisa then goes on to explain that there is a difference between Shabbos and Sukah, namely that Shabbos is more stringent because Parutz Merubeh Al ha'Omed is invalid for Shabbos.
2) Possibly what is disturbing you is the word "u'Vilvad." All this means is that one must be careful that -- both for Shabbos and for Sukah -- there not be 3 Tefachim between one pole and its neighbor.
Kol Tuv,
Dovid Bloom
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