More Discussions for this daf
1. Two opposite rulings of Rebbi 2. "b'Matnita Tana" 3. "Leima Mesayea Le"
4. Yosam being conceived while his father was a Metzora 5. Why a Metzora Muchlat would want to become Tahor; Uziah 6. Viewing a potential metzora
7. Divrei Rebbi Meir 8. Metzora Having Relations with his Wife 9. Ro'im Es ha'Nega'im
10. התם נמי לסתור ולא ליבני 11. התם נמי ליסתור ולא ליבני 12. Divrei Rebbi Meir

Michael Winokur asked:

(a) Why are we afraid that a muchlat will be sad if he is examined by the cohen? If he does not wish to be deprived of tashmish with his wife, he need not call the cohen to examine him. By asking the cohen to examine him, does he not show that he prefers to return to the company of society at large even if he is deprived of tashmish with his wife?

(b) Also, why can we use the example of Uzziah to show that tashmish is permitted with his wife. If Uzziah put on the garments of the cohen gadol, and did not follow the halachah in this respect, how can we be sure that he would not have engaged in tashmish if it were forbidden?

The Kollel replies:

(a) Excellent question! It seems that the Metzora nevertheless wants to be examined by the Kohen, and he comes to the Kohen after his days of counting in order to have the Kohen examine him and (hopefully) declare him to be Tahor. Certainly he does not want to be required to stay out of normal society for all of his life, and it is worthwhile for him to have to separate from his wife for seven days in order to become Tahor so that he can be allowed back into normal society.

However, with regard to Chol ha'Mo'ed, we do not want to cause him even temporary suffering, even though its purpose will be positive for him (since he will not reach this positive objective of becoming Tahor until after the festival, and during the festival he will only experience Tza'ar). We find a similar thing earlier (8b-9b) with regard to the Isur for a woman to use cosmetic plaster upon her face during Chol ha'Mo'ed, since it causes discomfort for her, even though it will be a source of pleasure for her after the festival.

(b) When Uziyahu became a Metzora, it was evident in the eyes of all the people, and he was put into Hesger, then declared a Metzora Muchlat, and sent outside of the city. Under those circumstances, it was not possible for him to be alone with his wife without the consent of Chazal.


Rav Yehudah Landy notes:

Just wanted to mention that according to the Tanchumah in Parshas Noach, Uzziyahu was ignorant and went to offer ketores thinking that it is befitted for a king to serve a king.

Rabbi Eliezer ha'Kalir (in mussaf 1st day Rosh Hashanah) says;

Katzin k'g'oah l'kater l'Shame

Negah b'mitzcho zorach l'heirohseim

*v'nishpat b'lo yodah v'oshem*

Yehuda Landy