R' Zeirah says "Chalash Libai V'lao Yachlinah." I'm am weak and can't
(teach you a piece of Torah)
1. We see so many stories of Gedolim who doctors said medically they
couldn't live but when they gave shuir looked as fresh as a bachur. If
the Gemarah is refering to R' Zeirah I can't imagine to take his Chalash
Libayai that he was sick and didn't have enough energy. I couldn't find a
pshat but is the Gemarah saying that he had chalishat hadas in terms that
he was in a state for some reason lacking the simcha nec. to transmit
Torah or was he too sick to physically to teach. If so what is pshat?
(Chas B'rosho, Yosok B'Torah!)
2. What was the Tikun of the Aggadatah he taught. Easier? Why did his
Talmid have to ask. If his Talmid wanted Torah surely the Rebbi knew he
couldn't teach Torah but could teach Aggadah, why did he seemingly push
off R' Yirmyah till his Talmid asked again.
Rebbi Zeira was afraid that due to his weakened state, he would make an error in Halachah. This is the meaning of the Gemara when it says that "Shemaisa Ba'i Tzilusa." Therefore, Rebbi Zeira agreed to teach Agadah, because if he makes an error, there will be no practical consequence l'Ma'aseh. (Before Rebbi Yirmiyah asked explicitly for Rebbi Zeira to teach him Agadah, Rebbi Zeira assumed that Rebbi Yirmiyah wanted to hear specifically a Halachic teaching, because one who is able to learn a Halachic teaching and instead involves himself in an Agaddic teaching is considered to be Mevatel Torah, as Rashi implies in Shabbos (115a) with regard to learning Kesuvim on Shabbos.)