More Discussions for this daf
1. A woman who has relations with Chiyuvei Krisus 2. A doubftul 9 year-old 3. A Yisraelis who has Bi'ah With a Pasul
4. Kinyan of a Katan 5. וכי מזהירין מן הדין 6. איסור חל על איסור

Rafi Magid asked:

(a) (Mishnah): A fetus, a Yavam, engagement, a deaf man, and

a 9-year old disqualify but do not permit to eat;

(b) If we are in doubt if a boy is 9 years old or not; if we

are in doubt if a boy brought 2 hairs or not; if a house

fell on a man and his brother's daughter, and it is not

known who died first - the widow does Chalitzah but not


) Answer #1 (Abaye): The case is, the 9-year old did Yibum.

mid'Oraisa, he acquires her.

1. One would think, since he acquires her mid'Oraisa,

and his relations are considered relations, he

permits her to eat - the Mishnah teaches, this is

not so.

i. Chachamim made relations of a 9-year old Yavam

as a Ma'amar.

2. Objection (Rava): If so, how do we understand the

end of the Mishnah - if we are unsure if he is 9

years old ...

i. If a boy known to be 9 does not permit, we need

not teach a doubtful 9-year old!

(g) Answer #2 (Rava): Rather, the Mishnah says that any man

forbidden to her that disqualifies her by having

relations with her, such a 9-year old also disqualifies


I don't understand rava's objection: even you separate the mishna to 2 parts

and the case of the doubt about the age of the yavam is among the cases that

we demand chalitzah - and not among the cases of permission to eat - so rava

couldn't say that:

If a boy known to be 9 does not permit, we need not teach a doubtful 9-year


Because there is no connection between the things!

The Kollel replies:

When the Mishnah says, "If we are in doubt if a boy is 9 years old or not," it is not referring to the Halachah that "she does Chalitzah but not Yibum" mentioned in the Seifa of the Mishnah, for the wife of a 9 year-old has nothing to do with Chalitzah. Rather, the Mishnah is saying that not only a 9 year-old is Posel and does not permit his wife to eat Terumah, but even a doubtful 9 year-old is "Eino Ma'achil" -- that is, when he is her Yavam and he is a Kohen. On this, Rava asks Abaye that if a 9 year-old does not permit his Yevamah to eat Terumah, then certainly a doubtful 9 year-old does not permit her to eat.

Mordecai Kornfeld