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Yehoshua asks:

The Gemorah in Shabbos Daf 67a gives a segulah for someone who has a bone stuck in their throat on how to get it out. The Gemorah says to bring another bone of the same type, put it on their head and recite a sort of "chant" then seemingly the bone will fall out of place.

The question was raised if this segulah may be performed on Shabbos. Let's say it's a fish bone that is stuck in the persons throat. May they take a fish bone (either from a plate or from the trash) and use it for the segulah. Seemingly the fish bone is muktzeh (not like bones from meat or chicken that may be given to the dogs are not muktzeh See OC Siman 308 Sif 27) however perhaps one could find a heter to pick up and move the fish bone for this perhaps? Is there any such heter in regards to "tiltul muktzeh" for such a purpose?

Yehoshua, Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisrael

The Kollel replies:

As far as Refua'h on Shabbos is concerned there is no problem, see Mishnah Berurah OC 306:36.

Muktzah, however, is indeed a problem. Unless there is danger of death or severe illness, one must move the bone in a way that is permissible on Shabbos; for example two people could hold it together. The Tosefes Shabbos (introduction to OC #308) permits one person to hold it with two hands for the type of object that a person would normally carry in one hand.

Dov Freedman

This is not a Psak Halachah. For Halachic questions, please ask your local Orthodo Rabbi.