Mark Bergman asked:
Gmar Chasima Tovah,
Our shiur had a kasha on Rashi 3 lines up on 66b re Naarah, because the Baraisa on 56b says also applies to Bogeres
Do you have any answer?
Meir Eliezer Bergman
Manchester UK
The Kollel replies:
I do not see such a Beraisa on 56b, but in fact the Beraisa here on 66b, immediately after the Mishnah, states that the Din applies only to a Na'arah, not to a Bogeres. Rashi (DH T"R) writes that Sekilah is given only to a Na'arah. See the Rambam, Hilchos Isurei Bi'ah 3:4, who says that a Bogeres receives Chenek.
Wishing you a Gmar Chasimah Tovah and a year of much Hatzlachah u'Vrachah,
Dovid Bloom