Hello, I hope you can help regarding the above:
1/ what is the context of this pasook?
2/ is there a reason why this appears in masehet eruvin?
3/can anything be learned from the fact kosso kisso &kaaso differ only by one letter?
4/ does this also appear in pirkei avot?
5/ can you direct me to any other commentary on this,
Thank you,
robert, australia
Sholom Rav
The source of the saying of Chazal is a Beraisa in Masechta Derech Eretz. The Gemara cites it in Eruvin in the Sugya which talks about wine, where it is appropriate. It does not appear in Pirkei Avos. The fact that all three differ only in one letter is Chazal's way of bringing across the message forcefully, in a way that makes it easy to remember They could just as well have said 'be'Yeino, be'Kaspo u've'Ka'aso.
The three things correspond to the three things that take a person out of this world (Pirkei Avos) - Jealousy (Kiso), lust (Koso) & pride (Ka'aso). See also the Agados Maharsha at the back of the Gemara.
Be'Virchas Kol Tuv.
Eliezer Chrysler.