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1. Ta'us and Hatarah 2. Rebbi Meir and the Chachamim 3. Who was Tzidkiyahu

Avrumi hersh asks:

65a middle. Rosh.

The pirush Rosh says that tzidkiyohu was a tzaddik gomur, and he had his reasons for being matir neder without the presence of nevuchadnetzar.

I seem to recall that tzidkiyohu was not a tzaddik. (The posuk that the gemoro brings indicates that he rebelled against hashem and did not do teshuva)

What is the real status of tzidkiyohu, tzaddik or rosho? And what does the Rosh mean?

Avrumi hersh, London england

The Kollel replies:

The Rosh is merely following what the Gemara states in Moed Katan (16b) and elsewhere, that Tzidkiyahu was one of the greatest Tzadikim, to the point that although his generation deserved to be eliminated, Hash-m looked at Tzidkiyahu and spared them. Granted, the verses make him out to be a Rasha, but that is regarding the fact that he did not follow the instructions of Yirmiyahu ha'Navi. While that was a sin for someone of his stature, it was a far cry from the kings who preceded him, who were guilty of Avodah Zarah and other horrendous practices -- of which Tzidkiyahu was innocent.

Bear in mind also that Hash-m judges Tzadikim very stringently - "like a hairs-breadth," which will also explain why the Navi makes him out to be a Rasha. I must admit that your question bothered me for many years, but I came to the conclusion that the answer runs along the lines that I suggested.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler

Avrumi asks:


Where does the gemoro chagiga talk about him?

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav.

I apologize, it's not in Chagigah, but in Mo'ed Katan, 16b, which compares Tzidkiyahu to a Kushi, inasmuch as just as a Kushi is unique (in those days) due to his color skin, so too was Tzidkiyahu unique in his good deeds.

Be'Virchas Kol Tuv

Your's sincerely

Eliezer Chrysler.