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1. Ta'us and Hatarah 2. Rebbi Meir and the Chachamim 3. Who was Tzidkiyahu

Avrumi hersh asks:

65a bottom line.

Acc. To reb yochonon, Reb meir holds that you made a neder to'us because the father was already dead.

Why do the chachomim argue? What's the sevoroh not to say neder to'us

Avrumi hersh, London england

The Kollel replies:

Tosfos relates to your question and explains: Rebbi Meir says that it's true that if he died afterwards, there would be a Nolad problem but when he died before, there is no need to make a Gezeirah of dead before because of dead after.

But the Chachamim do make the Gezeirah in order not to mix up the cases.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner