More Discussions for this daf
1. Passing Children through the fire 2. Abolishing the Yetzer ha'Ra and the Disappearance of Prophesy 3. Symbolism of lion cub
4. Petitioning the end of Idolatry 5. A Plain Yisrael 6. Human Sacrifice
7. Molech and Shaliach
1. weekly parshah asks:

From the Daf Review-


The Beraisa tells the story of Savta ben Elles - a plain Yisrael, who rented his donkey to a Nochris."

Question, not a correction- What is meant by a "plain" Yisrael? That he was not a Kohain or Laivi?

2. The Kollel replies:

No, it is not referring to a Kohen or Levi. Rather, the intention is that he was not a great Rabbi, or a very rich person, or some other kind of eminent figure. (Possibly in Yiddish usage one would say he was "a Poshiter Yid.")

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom