End of the fifth wide line
Vshelo bfanav lo? vha tanya......
I would think that the next line of gemara would give an example of shelo bfanav, but it actually gives an example fo bfanav, with the bnai Aharon. How does this make sense?
You are correct, that the incident mentioned in the Beraisa concerning the sons of Aharon must have occurred in front of Moshe Rabeinu (for they were Chayav Misah). However, the intent of the Gemara is to ask from the end of the Beraisa, which discusses a certain student of Rebbi Eliezer, who was at a distance of "three Parsa'os" from Rebbi Eliezer. The Gemara is not proving its point from the first part of the Beraisa discussing the sons of Aharon.