More Discussions for this daf
1. An Arel being a Bar Kaparah 2. Doing something dangerous 3. Who is a "Bar-Kaparah?"
4. Rebbi Akiva Eiger's Chidush 5. ערל נמי כיון דבר חיובא הוא בר כפרה הוא

Robert Karr asked:

Question:There is a disagrement between Rashi and Tos as to the definiton of Arla (Uncircumccised). Rashi holds here and in Yavamos dof 70 that the case is concerning two (or three) brothers that died because of the Milah. How does Rahshi then understand Rav Chisda that holds that this orla is a bar chiva since if he wished he could rectify himself by undergoing circumcimsion. The Kehillas Yakov and others all hold it is prohibited since there is danger (He will die) So according to Rashi how does he understand Rav Chisda? He can not before a Bris (Similiarly if Pesach accord onShabbos the Bris could not be performed since it is not B'zman) Thanks for your time.

The Kollel replies:

Your question was addressed in our Insights to Daf 62, which I am sending you in this message.

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