More Discussions for this daf
1. Gam Zu l'Tovah 2. Rabbah's meaning 3. Not a Nisayon
4. Tefilah for having a son 5. Birkos ha'Shachar 6. Netilas Yadayim in Mishnah Berurah
7. The prayer for being cured 8. Concluding a blessing with two topics 9. Various questions
10. Machlokes Tana'im 11. Forty days after conception 12. A Woman Who Is "Mazra'as"
13. Leah, Shimon, Dinah 14. Morning Berachos 15. כוונה בשעת הנחת תפילין

David Goldman asks:

The morning brachas involve actions taken by Hash-m, yet the gemara associates them with certain human actions. Yet in the case of malbish arumim, how can we say that Hash-m dresses a person when we dress ourselves? Also, in the case of Oter Yisroel besifara and ozer begevura, why does the gemara associate it with putting on a sudar or a belt when that is not specific to a Jew? How can we say that Hash-m is makes an atara or gevura from it? Non-Jews also put on sudars and belts (sashes) in those days? And if it is also connected to benefit (hanaa), what benefit is there just to wear a sudar or a sash? Thanks.

David Goldman, USA

The Kollel replies:

1) Hash-m gives us clothes. If Hash-m would not have created sheep we would not have wool; if Hash-m would not have made the cotton plant we would not have cotton, etc.

In addition, Hash-m gave us the intelligence to appreciate that we need clothes, and to know how and when to wear different items of clothing.

The Chesed that Hash-m does for us was brought home to me last week when I visited an elderly person who needs help from a caregiver in doing the simplest actions. We cannot take anything for granted.

It seems to me that the main point of the Berachah of Malbish Arumim is to thank Hash-m for making us superior to the animal kingdom, possessing a higher sense of modesty reflected in the way we dress.

2) The Ma'adanei Yom Tov (on the Rosh, printed at the back of the Gemara) (letter Tzadi) cites Rebbi Mordechai Yafeh (the author of the Levush) that when Jews wear a belt they have in mind that we are not allowed to say a Berachah if there is no separation between our heart and our lower parts. So the belt does have a special association with Yisrael. Lots of different peoples wear belts but Jews wear belts not only for practical reasons but also to make it possible for us to Daven.

The Levush writes that the idea that a belt is Gevurah is based on Iyov 38:3 and 40:7, "Gird up your loins like a man." The word for "man" is "Gever" which is the connection to Gevurah.

3) The Ma'adanei Yom Tov (letter Kuf) cites the Beis Yosef that Yisrael are commanded to cover their heads so that we should attain the fear of Heaven. What is special about Jews is that we do not merely cover our heads for pragmatic purposes but we also do this in order to reach the lofty ideal of Yiras Shamayim. This is why the hat is our special crown.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom