More Discussions for this daf
1. Gam Zu l'Tovah 2. Rabbah's meaning 3. Not a Nisayon
4. Tefilah for having a son 5. Birkos ha'Shachar 6. Netilas Yadayim in Mishnah Berurah
7. The prayer for being cured 8. Concluding a blessing with two topics 9. Various questions
10. Machlokes Tana'im 11. Forty days after conception 12. A Woman Who Is "Mazra'as"
13. Leah, Shimon, Dinah 14. Morning Berachos 15. כוונה בשעת הנחת תפילין

Shmuel Magot asks:

I was listening to your recordings on the SA (MB 4:14). It was very enjoyable, but the reader noted, concerning getting up before morning... the reader noted in his comments that there are two reasons why we wash in the morning, first is because of the ??? ??? and the second because it is morning... it is to this second comment that I comment ... we don't just was because it is morning, but in MB 4:1 it is noted that Achar ha'Sheinah Na'asah Briah Chadashah.

Shmuel Magot, Jerusalem, Israel / Teaneck, New Jersey

The Kollel replies:

"Beri'ah Chadashah" and morning are the same thing. Every morning we become a new person, which is why no day is the same as the day before.

Dovid Bloom