Hello Shalom
When learning todays daf and in particular the inyan of kdei achilas pras I note that the gemora is clear this is the time it takes to eat wheat chita bread and not barley.
Would it be logical to say that the shiur of Kdei achila pras for barley/oat or spelt bread would be longer than for wheat . If so could this apply to matzo on seder night. A longer time to eat a kzayis spelt or oat matza than say wheat matza ?
Kol Tov
Osher Marks
Dear Reb Osher,
I don't think it matters what kind of Matzos one eats on Pesach, the Shiur is always the same. The Shiur of Kezayis bi'Chdei Achilas Peras is, like all Shiurim, Halachah l'Moshe m'Sinai, and it is one fixed amount. The Shiur is expressed in terms of eating wheat bread because that just happens to be the amount of time that the Torah considers an act of eating, but it is not intrinsically connected with eating wheat.
The clearest proof of this is the fact that the Shiur of Kezayis Bichdei Achilas Peras applies to all Isurim - Basar b'Chalav, Cheilev, Neveilah, Tereifah, etc. which have nothing to do with eating wheat.
Yonasan Sigler
This is not a Psak Halachah