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10. The Order of Events by a Sotah 11. Shitas Rabanan 12. Muzaros b'Levanah
13. תניא כוותיה דרב ששת ולא מטעמיה 14. רשד"ה אלא בתר דקדיש

Yonatan M. asked:

When the Mishnah says that the woman is disqualified from eating Trumah when there are eidim she was nitmah - supposing that the Mishnah is saying there are two eidim and unlike the opinion of the Ceshek Shlomo, the chiddush is not that even if she drinks, she still can't have Trumah - is she not chayav misa? So is the Gemarah saying that up to the point she is killed by bais din (if the eidim came after she drank), she is chayav to pay for the Trumah she eats?

Yonatan M., Toronto, Canada

The Kollel replies:

Dear Yonatan,

1) Even if there are Edim that Tum'ah occurred she is not killed unless she received Hasra'ah first (warning her that she will be killed for this) immediately preceeding the sin.

2) Even when she is Chayav Misah, she must pay for whatever money she owes (even after death if certain property remains). This is not the Mishna's Chidush. It is well known that being Patur from payment (Kim Lei bide'Rabah Minei) is only when both punishments were incurred at once.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner