A little way into daf 59a, after discussing the posuk "Lo Yihye Kil Gever... Lo Silbash...", the Gemoro asks how the "Tanna Kamma" (of the Baraisa) explains the posuk.
Can you explain how the Tanna Kamma understands both parts of the posuk?
Kol Tuv
Mark Bergman
Manchester UK
The Tana Kama learns that the prohibition is against a woman wearing men's clothes and being among men, and a man wearing women's clothing and being among women. This allows a man to be alone with a woman, possibly leading to forbidden acts. This is why the Pasuk concludes that these acts are "Toavas Hash-m," -- "hated by Hash-m" a terminology that is usually reserved for sins which entail a possible act of immoral relations.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose