More Discussions for this daf
1. ha'Tov v'ha'Meitiv 2. Making 2 Berachos on lightning and thunder 3. ha'Tov v'ha'Meitiv
4. Thunder and lightening 5. Birchas Ha'Chama 6. Question on words of the Pirkei d'Rebbi Eliezer
7. Gesher d'Bavel 8. Thunder and lightning 9. Father's passing away
10. the sound of one hand clapping 11. Hatov Veha Meitiv on different wines 12. Beracha on Lightning, Toch Kedei Dibur
13. Birkas ha'Chamah and Tekufas Shmuel 14. ברכת החמה

Sendy Goodman asks:

If Birchas hachama is when sun was in same spot and cycle point of sheshes yemei breishis, then according to r' eliezer in rh who says world was created in tishrei - should we say it then. yet the gemara takes on as a davar poshut to say in nissan. Wouldnt this be dependent on the macholokes of when world was created

Sendy Goodman, BROOKLYN, USA

The Kollel replies:

The Teshuvas Masas Binyamin (an important sefer written almost 400 years ago) end #101, answers that with respect to the years, the Halacha follows Rabbi Eliezer who maintains that the world was created in Tishrei (and therefore Rosh Hashanah, on the 1st of Tishrei, is the beginning of the year), whilst with respect to the Tekufah (equinox) the Halacha follows Rabbi Yehoshua that the world was created in Nisan. Birkas Hachamah depends on Tekufah, so it is said in Nisan.

Purim Sameach

Dovid Bloom