I remember hearing years ago a connection between the story of Miriam bas Bilgah and Channukah and the beginning of the masechta with 20 amos also being the height of Channukah Candles. Who all says this?
hg schild, ny usa
I have to admit, I don't know if I've ever been to a Siyum on Meseches Sukah during Chanukah. However, if you would like such a connection, here is an attempt.
The Gemara says at the end of Sukah that due to Miriam's behavior the Chachamim closed the ring used for Sechitah and closed the locker of the entire Mishmar. This was due to Miriam's attitude that Hash-m was not watching over Bnei Yisrael.
The exact opposite message is given by the Halachah that a Sukah and Menorah must be less than twenty Amos tall. The fact that the Torah established that one must be able to notice the Hasgachah of Hash-m (even if one does not hold like Rabah), that he took us through the Midbar with the Ananei ha'Kavod and that he performed a tremendous miracle for us with the Nes of Chanukah, shows how we always remember that Hash-m constantly watches over us.
All the best,
Yaakov Montrose