My friend thinks it is not to Unkelos's credit that he conjured up three people from the dead to lead him to believe he should convert. Is there any mefarshim on this?
hg, ny ny
According to the Ramban (Devarim 18:9), Nochrim are permitted to use Ba'al Ov and other means of sorcery (unlike the ruling of Rebbi Shimon in Sanhedrin 56b). It is even considered a Chochmah, a form of wisdom, for them. Only Jews are forbidden to confer with an Ov because they live on a "higher" level.
Accordingly, Unkelos was permitted to use an Ov before he converted. However, Sefer Chasidim (Parma edition, #1050) mentions that Nochrim should not use Ov. According to his opinion, Unkelos erred in conferring with Ov.
All the best,
Reuven Weiner