On daf 54A Nazir we have a specific mention of enough flesh (on a severed limb) to re-grow or regenerate. Now usually the Talmud uses a volume measure when talking about amount (such as size of a lentil or kezait, lug, kav). The concept of "enough to regenerate" must have had real meaning for them in two respects: regeneration, and enough to regenerate. My question is, what does regenerate refer to. Did they try to reattach limbs? Is the term used elsewhere? What do we know about regeneration?
The Rosh writes that "Basar ha'Ra'uy" is also a Shi'ur which we learn from Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai.
As for regeneration, it is the amount which could regenerate had it still been attached.
D. Z.