If she's a ketanah or Naarah, and as a Naarah she can effect a kidushin without her fathers advance knowledge but she's Chayav to give him the caspei kiddushin...then how does she benefit monetarily her father does!
Plus before Chuppah the Kesubah outlines fiscal obligations beneficial to her!
If a father writes a will words a certain way and she has brothers he can halachakicaly prevent distribution law had he died with no will.
Preventing a bchor from getting double or write out all his sons etc..
Avrahom Kevelson, United States
Hi R' Avrahom,
Thank you for another great question.
When the Gemara brings a limud of a Tzad ha'Shaveh, the rejections are not specific to certain cases. In general, money has the virtue of Hanaah when receiving it, it creates this Hanaa'h, whether it is the woman, or whether it is her father, so is Bi'ah, compared to a Shtar that does not have this.
The issue is not who benefits, but that money has this aspect.
I am not sure what you meant to prove by the father's will, and I would appreciate it if you could explain more.
Kol Tuv,
Aharon Steiner