The gemara says that if a woman comes into possession of a Get, and uses it to get remarried. When no b'Fanai Nichtav was said, as long as the signatures are verified, since it's a time where everyone knows l'Shmah we'll allow her to stay in her second marriage. I'm wondering is that only in a case where everyone knows leshma that we'll allow her to stay or even if the case was people don't know leshmah and she still got remarried will we allow her to stay in her marriage unless the husband comes and challenges the get. And also if this works according to Rabbah who holds leshmah. Why can't we say this according to rava as well. If the woman gets a get with no b'Fanai Nichtav let her stay in her marriage and it the husband will come and challenge the get then we'll look for Eidim but we see from different cases in the gemara where it constantly says if a get was given and there was no b'Fanai Nichtav, in order for it to be kosher you need to verify the signatures?
Michel Freud , Cedarhurst NY 11516
Hi Michel,
Thank you for this question. I hope I understood you correctly.
Since the Halacha is like Rava and the Rama is Machmir that even from house to house now adays, it is needed to say be'Fanai Nechtav ube'Fanai Nechtam, it is hard to say what the Halacha would be if standards change and people forget again that a Get needs liShma.
KOl Tuv,
Aharon Steiner