Rashi asks two questions on his second pshat. On the teretz of the first kasha I have a problem. If the words of the mishna "vihee mooteres eemahen" refers to the outside ones using the middle one then what's pshat in the next words of the mishna on 45b vi'hayn mootar'in eemah.
Thanks. Goot Vuch
Yoel Fleisher, Yerushalayim, Eretz Yisroel
At first glance, it seems that Rashi's answer is that the Mishnah did not really have to use both phrases "vi'Hee Muteres Imahen" and "vi'Hein Mutarin Imah." It was only because the Mishnah previously used the phrase above that both phrases were used here.
However, I saw that the Ritva understands that Rashi says that "vi'Hee Muteres" refers to the fact that the middle Chatzer can bring vessels that were Shoves in the outer Chatzeros into the middle Chatzer, and the outer Chatzeiros can be Mishtamesh normally with the middle Chatzer.
Kol Tuv,
Yaakov Montrose