Kodem Kol a Groyser Shkoyach for trying to find that out about the Gemoro in Sanhedrin hey omud beys.It still "Likt in Kop" that i have come across it but really shkoyach for youy hishtadlus.
"De Vaal" i would like to ask if possible on something completely different.This is on a Gemoro i am learning in a Shiur at the moment we are holding at Perek Hazohov and we are quite a lot through the Oynoah Mishnayos and Sugyos daf Mem Tes to Daf Nun Beys ,but what i cannot understand and after speaking to the Maggid Shiur he cannot understand either
a) where does the Gemoro take on Bepashtus that the fraction of oynoah is one sixth ie where is the mekor in the TORAH for this fraction and
b) what about RAV TARFON in the MISHNAH on Daf MEM tes who says it is a third what is his Mekor and
c) LEHANIACH that it is let us say a HALOCHOH LEMOSHEH MISINAI the GEMORO does need to let us know you just cannot make these things up because LEMOSHOL in MASS. SUKKAH and ERUVIN where many HALOCHOS are! HALOCHOH LEMOSHEH MISINAI eg LOVUD,GUD ASIK VECHULU the GEMORO does inform us ???
boruch kahan, london uk
The Pnei Yehoshua (49a) says that when the Torah says "Lo Sonu Ish Es Amiso" it left it up to the Chachamim to decide when the sale stands, when it is invalid, and when the difference between the real price and the amount paid must be settled. The Machlokes Rebbi Tarfon and the Chachamim is about what level was fixed by the Chachamim. See Rambam (Mechirah 12:3), Rashi Kidushin (42b DH Chozer), Ramban (Behar 25:15), and Rosh (Bava Metzia 4:20) who offer various Sevaras for the Din.
However, Reb Reuven (Chidushim on Bava Metzia 23) suggests that some Rishonim learn that it is Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai. I do not know why the Gemara did not tell us that it is a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai.
Dov Freedman