What is the conclusion to the question in shabbos 49a
(a) (Mishnah): When they are wet [Hatmanah is forbidden].
(b) Question: Are they forbidden (Rashi - only; Rambam - even) when they are naturally wet, or (Rashi - even; Rambam - only) if they are wet on account of outside moisture?
trajtmann, israel
The Gemara fails to bring a conclusive proof for this question. The Rambam (Shabbos 4:1) rules that they may not be used even if they are wet. The Kesef Mishnah and Lechem Mishnah explain why the Rambam is stringent here. The Rosh (Shabbos 4:5), however is lenient. See also Mishnah Berurah (257:19).
Dov Freedman