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1. Comments on Kemitzah video 2. Shnei Se'irim 3. Reason for the Avodos
4. Kemitzah vs. Chafinah 5. 4 Kav 6. מעשה הקטורת

Elie Samet asks:


Good to be back in touch!

Thank you for the CD! The package I received was very nice.

I hope to help out in the future.

I was just learning in yomah daf47b and 48a

That there are a lot of teikus.

They all have one thing in common is that they all were actual avodahs in the beis hamikdash!

May I humbly ask why don't we actually know what these rituals actually worked?

Don't we have any mesorah on this? Like we have history on the beis hamikdash.

If we lived during the time of the Temples

We would know these details...

For example how the cohanim did kamitzah...people knew as a fact as did the cohanim if the priest used his upper of lower parts of his hand.

Also did the cohen put the flour in the side of the vessel or in the bottom.

These are....questions that should have been clear in that time.. how did we lose that heritage from actual lemaisah things that happened every year?!


The Kollel replies:

Firstly it should be noted that the Tzedukim had almost total control over the Avodah in the Beis Hamikdash before it was destroyed. This led to general disputes over basic actions in the Mikdash, such as Pesach which falls on Shabbos (see Pesachim, 6th perek). Thus it is possible that there was a tradition about what was done in the Mikdash but this would not mean that it was Halacha. Chazal tell us that Middos is from Rabbi Eliezer Ben Yaakov but that only refers to the external aspects of the Mikdash and not to the actual service, since this was done by the Kohanim and their service was circumspect. Likewise we have the testimony of Rabbi Yehoshua who served as a Levi.

There is a mishna from Rabbi Chanina Sgan Hakohanim regarding the laws of Tumah and it would appear that this is to be relied on. We also have a few rulings of his regarding Korbanos- see for example Yuma 21b, Zevachim 103b,Shekalim 10b, but he was killed together with Rabbi Shimon Ben Gamliel. There was a very difficult period after the Churban with numerous martyrdoms and not all the traditions were handed down to the following generations.

Yoel Domb