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alex lebovits asked:

R' Eliezer learns out from 'the imahos' that 'milah' is not necessary for 'geirus' since we see that the women didn't have 'milah' and they were still able to become yiden. What is his logic to say that one can learn so?

Kol Tuv

alex lebovits, toronto, canada

The Kollel replies:

If Milah was integral, women should not be accepted as Gerim - just as a man without a leg cannot perform Chalitzah.

Mordecai Kornfeld

alex lebovits responded:

Rabbi Kornfeld, what I meant to ask was that- How could R' Eliezer learn out from the fact that the women didn't have milah - that 'milah' is not even necessary for men to become geirim. What is his logic that you can learn out men from women? Perhaps the women didn't need milah simply because it was Iy Efshar.

Kol Tuv

Alex Lebovits

The Kollel replies:

Those who maintain "Danim Efshar me'Iy Efshar" make no distinction. If Milah is not required where it is Iy Efshar (i.e. if women are accepted as Geirim), the same is true for when it is Efshar (i.e. it is not Me'akev for men).

Mordecai Kornfeld