I saw the passage below in your amazing Outline on Maseches Nazir (Daf 42b).
The outline quotes Rashi. I'm finding it hard to reconcile the Outline with the words of what Rashi actually says. I'm wondering if you would mind double-checking the words of Rashi and let me know if I'm missing something, or if there's a mistake with the outline? (I included the text of Rashi below as well.)
>>(k) Answer: If Reuven touched a person who is touching a person touching a Mes, he is Tamei for seven days mid'Rabanan. If he touched a person touching a Mes, he is Tamei for seven days mid'Oraisa (Tosfos).
(Rashi - if he touched a person who is no longer touching a Mes, Reuven is Tamei for seven days mid'Rabanan. If he touched a person touching a Mes, he is Tamei for seven days mid'Oraisa.)<<
My questions-
(1a) The words of Rashi (below) seem to say that they are all touching and connected. (i.e. the Mes is touching Reuven, and Reuven is touching Shimon), whereas the outline says, "he touched a person who is no longer touching a Mes".)
(1b) The outline clarifies that this case is Tum'ah d'rabbonon. I'm just curious why Rashi doesn't mention this important point explicitly?
(2) From Rashi, I thought the second case was: The Mes touches Reuven, and then Reuven himself touches other meisim. (Whereas the outline states, "he touched a person touching a Mes", which implies two live people, instead of one live person with several meisim.
Rashi ("the meforash") --
ה"ג כאן בחיבורי אדם באדם כאן בחיבורי אדם במת - כלומר מי דמי?! ההוא בחיבורי אדם באדם שזה נוגע במת והוא בחבירו ומש"ה לא חשיבא ליה טומאת חיבורין לענין נזיר ועושה פסח אבל הכא טומאת חיבורי [אדם] במת הויא ומשום הכי הויא לה טומאת חיבור חשיבא כחדא ואינו חייב אלא אחת דהא מיטמא וקאי ואמר מר שמי שאינו מחולל יצא זה שהוא מחולל והוקשו נזיר וכהנים כאחת לענין הפרשת טומאה.
Thanks and kol tuv!
Yosef Dovid Rosenberg
(Manchester, UK)
Thank you for pointing this out. What I attributed to Rashi is Rashi in Avodah Zarah 37b, which Tosfos mentions.
I find "Rashi" here very difficult, for it seems that he calls Chiburei Adam b'Mes when he touches the Mes. This is simply Tum'as Maga!
We will correct the outlines to clarify that "Rashi" cited is Rashi in Avodah Zarah 37b.
(Normally, we explain according to Rashi here, but here it is very difficult, and the Gilyon ha'Shas (2a) cites from the Chida that the Mefaresh on Nazir is not Rashi. Presumably, this is why Tosfos discusses Rashi there, and not here.)
Pesach Feldman