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yitzi loewy asked:

Why would baal korcha affect the woman being able to send a shaliach, and once we learn that it does not make a difference in terms of the woman, why can't we learn out shlichus by kiddushin from there?

yitzi loewy, united states

The Kollel replies:

The Ayeles Hashachar quotes your question in the name of the Hamakneh. He answers based on the Rosh, who states that the reason that Geirushin might be different regarding Shelichus because it can be done Ba'al Korcha, is because Geirushin can be done more easily because it is Baal Korcha. The Ayeles Hashachar explains that this means that the Gemara is not referring to the Shliach of the husband, but referring to the entire process of Geirushin that it is simply easier (in a way) because it does not require the woman's will. This is a reason why the Torah might only sanction Shlichus by the "easy" process of Geirushin, and not by the more difficult process of Kedushin, both for his and her Shlichus.

Have a Good Z'man,

Yaakov Montrose