v'ha'Melech Omed u'Mekabel v'Korei Yoshev. Agripas ha'Melech Amad v'Kibel v'Kara Omed Omed mi'Chlal d'Yoshev. A diyuk is not needed for sitting question, like it was in previous gmara on preceding minshanh that only mentioned standing up, as this mishnah explicitly says sitting. If so, why not ask direct, why the diyyuk? Just to be a copy of the preceding gamara doesn't suffice as an answer to this.
Shalom R' Gray,
Great to hear from you.
Yasher koach! Rav Elyashiv asks your question in his He'aros. Baruch She'kivanta! He answers by noting that the sitting mentioned explicitly is specifically for the Kriah. Therefore, he proposes, it may not be possible to deduce from that sitting, which is necessary for the assembly's proceedings, that sitting without any reason is permissible. Consequently, the Gemara opted to draw evidence from the Mishnah's initial statement that he stood up, implying that he must have been seated without any particular reason beforehand.
I hope this helps!
Warmest regards,
Yishai Rasowsky