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1. Hoda'as Ba'al Din making a person a "Rasha" 2. Shechting a muad bull 3. אי אפשר דליכא חד במדינת הים דלא ניחא ליה

Dov Ber Eliezer Krieger asked:

Can a muad animal be shecht for kosher consumption? It seems the traits might transfer bad midos.

The Kollel replies:

If it killed a person , then it is Asur b'Hana'ah. However if it merely gored another animal it is Mutar. (I guess Chazal never heard of "Mu'ad Cow disease.")

Dov Zupnik

The Kollel adds:

(What the Ramban writes in Shmini about the animals the Torah prohibits having bad traits, is not referring to the particular individual animals, but to the species. We do not find that one should not eat an individual animal because of its bad traits. Such "personal" traits, perhaps, have no effect at all on the person who eats the animal.)

-M. Kornfeld