1) Tosfos DH Zeh Sheni L'Oretz states that when you have a case of chita and zayis you make a brocha on the chita before the zayis because the first eretz takes precedence to the second.
My question on this is - does tosfos really need to come on to this reason? We established daf 39a by story of Bar Kapara, that the more specific a brocha is the more choshuv it is. So isn't chita, which has hamotzi and borei minei mezonos, more specific than bore pri hoetz of an olive? And if so then that would be enough of a reason to give it precedence. Why come on to the 1st eretz better than second eretz?
2) Secondly on daf 41A in Tosfos DH Aval he says, unlike the Behag, that the brocha of borei pri hoetz is not that more specific than a borei pri hadama - so we don't use this as a guideline by the case of Tznon and Zayis. Based on my question above, can we say that Tosfos holds that a mezonos and hamotzi is not much more than a hoetz and that is why he came on to the reasoning of which eretz is first?
Alex Goodman, Brooklyn, US
The rule that a Berachah that is more specific takes precedent is only if the Berachah is more specific in this instance. Tosfos is discussing a case where one makes Borei Pri ha'Adamah on the Chitah, and therefore it is not more specific than Borei Pri ha'Etz of the olive.
Dov Freedman