More Discussions for this daf
1. "Beis Din Shakul" 2. A Jew killing an idolater 3. Discrepancy in the Chakiros
4. Rashi on 40a 5. Hour and Year 6. אחד אומר בשנים בחדש ואחד אומר בשלשה בחדש
7. העובד ע"ז
1. Weekly Parshah asks:

I found this in the full review for Sanhedrin daf 40:

>>(a) If there is a discrepancy in the Bedikos - the witnesses are disqualified, but not punished, whereas a discrepancy in the Chakiros - renders them Zom'min and subject to the same punishment as the defendant would have received at their hand<<

Is this really true? If one said that it was in the 3rd hour and one said it was in the 5th hour, they become zomemin and get killed? My understanding of the Gemara was that the aidus is rejected but the aidim themselves do not get a punishment from bais din.

2. The Kollel replies:

Thank you for noticing it.

A discrepency in Chakiros or Bedikos disqualifies the Eidus.

The difference between Chakiros and Bedikos is when an Eid says he doesn't know: In Chakiros the Eidus is disqualified, in Bedikos it is not disqualified.

Kol Tuv,

Avraham Phillips