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Simcha Harrow asked:

The Gemara on Daf 40a states: In the locale of Rav Yehudah [the Amora] they would pour 48 kuz of wine into a barrel, and at harvest time a barrel sold for 6 zuz. Rashi says that a kuz is a small measure, and a kesubah is valued at 200 zuzim.

Let's say that Kosher Wine sells today for 10 to 20 USD per liter, and olive oil is about 7 USD per liter.

How do these numbers relate to the Gemora's cheshbonos?

Very respectfully,

Simcha Harrow

The Kollel replies:

The value of a Kesuvah (200 Zuz) today is approximately $1200 (see Background to Kidushin 8:9). Dividing that into 33 yields $36 per barrel. Manual labor was probably more expensive than factory packing, but then the wine underwent less processing. If a Kuz is about a cup, our barrel is about 12 liters for $36 or $3/liter. A good investment!

Best wishes,

Mordecai Kornfeld

Kollel Iyun Hadaf