Rav yochanon holds that from shabbos l'yom tov or vice versa the Egg may be eaten on the second day. ( not the first because tiltul is ossur ) My question is what makes the issur of Tiltul come off on the second day ? I think the Ran asks that it should reapply on the second day because of Mi'gu D'iskatzei l'Bein Hashmoshois; so it should reapply. My question is why should it come off once it was chal on the first day ?
I would much appreciate any help
Israel Silberstein, Brooklyn, NY
Tosfos DH Neima asks a similar question on the Gemara's interpretation of Rav, "Why doesn't the Gemara say Rav holds of two Kedushos, and is merely stringent on the second day due to Migo d'Iskatzai?" Tosfos answers that we generally do not say that something which is Muktzah on the first day for reasons such as Hachanah (or Huktzah l'Mitzvaso, like Esrog, as opposed to something which is Muktzah because it is generally Muktzah) retain their Muktzah status from the day before. Tosfos in Shabbos (21a DH Asur) adds that the only reason to prohibit the Esrog (or in our case, the egg) would be because Bein ha'Shemashos is a Safek, and not because it is not wanted for Shabbos. This is not reason enough to say Migo d'Iskatzai. Although our Tosfos notes that we do say this by Noi Sukah, Tosfos explains that this is a stringency by Muktzah Machmas Mitzvah. [See Tosfos in Shabbos ibid. why this does not apply to Esrog.]
Kol Tuv,
Yaakov Montrose