More Discussions for this daf
1. Re: Last two Parshios of Tefillin, Foreign words in the Torah 2. Did the Amoraim have a different Torah than today? 3. Revi'is Dam
4. Derashah on Karnot Karnot Karnot 5. How Many Judges? 6. Rules Unique to Kodshim
7. תוד"ה ושתים
1. Yoram Rovner asked:

What is the meaning of this Rashi? That without a rebiit of dam a man dies or that a man needs at least a rebiit to live?


Yoram Rovner, Santiago, Chile

2. The Kollel replies:

A man needs at least a Revi'is Dam to live (see Rashi at the end of Shabbos 31b).

Actually, the Rambam writes that, like all other Shiurim, this Shiur is a Halachah l'Moshe m'Sinai.

D. Zupnik