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10. חיוב ערל בראייה לפי הרמב"ם

jeannine asked:

where in the Talmud can i find Mary and the birth of jesus

jeannine, snohomish, Washington

The Kollel replies:

In Shabbos 104b there is reference to a person named Ben Setada, born to a woman named Mary. Although this seems to be referring to the mother of Yeshu, Tosfos rejects this possibility.

Tosfos also points out that the gemara in Chagigah (4b) mentions a tragic incident experienced by a woman named Mary, but this incident ocurred years after the death of Yeshu.

On the other hand, Tosfos in Chagigah maintains that it is indeed referring to the mother of Yeshu.

Yehuda Landy